

Tag: Glory

Verdant Hymn

There’s a welling up, as of waves,
in me, but also without me –
I am only a member of the swell;
a vessel, uproarious with delight
as the waves pass through me.
Sweet energy! Glory! Rebirth!
Laughter and mirth are all we are
in these streaks of redemption!
The taste of a silent, still buzz
of electricity fluttering in air,
like the first rays of Spring’s sun;
the quiet hum beneath sparrows’ song.
The clear, fragrancy of the beginning
to vernal eternity, telling us – nay!
Crooning to us:

            winter was well worth waiting through.

The Day Spring Came Early

Golden light sprawls from our feet
like the sun’s roots as we walk in the morning,
while the air is still rubbing sleep from its eyes
and blooming trees push out their leaves
to adjust to the undue brightness.
Seedlings of grass burst with joy
from our chest and laugh with us
as they break the permafrost
to spread sunlight through the soil.
Glory. O! Glorious exultation is the air
that fills our lungs: fresh cut grass glued
to the skin by sweet smelling sweat
spent for the glory of another.
O! how tumultuous is the song of selfless Spring;
sung by sparrows, beeches and our browning skin!