I Am Passion

I am passion, not merely passionate;
I was created a god, and a muse,
inspiring the spruce to be evergreen,
the snow to fly, the swallow to sing.
It was for me that Divinity died,
and glorified my race to its proper place:
Sons and Daughters of eternal light.
This place realized, I am resolute;
I am passion because of the value
placed on me by the fact that I am,
and thus I conquer the air and command
spirits, which flee from or bow to my self.
A draught more dense than blood swells
            in my heart
into my veins and I am invincible.
I am eternal, as an enchanted
pool is eternal – forever poured into
by a cascade greater than itself.
I will go forth to the east, and the west;
the north will be unveiled; the south:
and thus discovered, they will be made
In my presence they will jovially
exult, and give glory to that waterfall
by which my soul is fed, and made content.
Look, and see! Because this is me, myself,
my soul, that depth, bared in ferocity.
And so I raise my fist as I would a sword,
But far greater weapons are my knuckles
and skin, and so I shake them at the wind
and snicker in adversity’s midst –
thereby sharing in my Creator’s plight.