
Every time I update this page, whatever I wrote before proves to be embarrassing a few years down the road. Twenty-six year old me will probably think this is stupid. That’s what being a pilgrim is, I suppose. We go through seasons when our feet are bare and we leave pieces of our torn soles sticking to the icy streets behind us, and that’s when we write. Then we round a bend where the sun can be seen and the beauty lets us feel again, only to repeat the process. At the beginning of each, I update this “about” section.

So what this is, then, is a collection of wrestling matches, primarily between who I tend to be and thus who I think God is, and who God is and thus who that makes me.

I tend to use the first person plural in an attempt to counter the individualistic toxin that isolates us so. It’s an experiment. Let me know what you think.