

Month: October, 2011

Seed in the Snow

When I step near the sparrows, they prance,
rather than fly away, as if to say I’m not afraid,
            but I don’t trust you.
Getting on my knees so they can see
my eyes, I call their bluff: so soon as intimacy
drops from my hands, the beating of wings
replaces the songs they sung and I am breathing
            steam alone into the snow.
And so I sit, casting seed regardless, because I know:
should the birds not feed, there plants will grow;
birds with flighty hearts in winter never stay,
but rooted trees, despite pain, storms and the axe,
            will always remain.

Things I’ll Never Know

This body is all I have
I’ll never know how it feels
to have a birth mark on my neck
or how black hair feels
when it leaves my scalp.
I’ll never know how it feels
to be more than five point five
feet tall to be able to
look my father square in the eye
I’ll never know how it feels
when I play with your
skin tag with my arm around you
I’ll never know how it feels
to have to prick my finger
after every meal I make for you
I’ll never know how it feels
to have a fever screeching
in my bones every night
since I was born that makes you
too tired to twist beneath
the sheets like we once did
or even see our son off
into the icy streets on his last
day of school before Christmas
I’ll never know how it feels
to have my voice whisper into
your dreams of three AM saying
Don’t leave me.

You’ll never know how it feels
to look into your bleary blessed and
beautifully dark eyes in the firelight
after the boy with your laugh
and my smile has gone to bed
and wish with all that I call my own
that I could give you this body
so you could know how it feels
to have a body not given to death.

Sunset from the Window

I’ve never really seen the sun.
Walking between the concrete
prison bars we call buildings,
I’m occasionally struck by a beam.
But it’s only the


of a reflection
of another reflection
bounding from window to window
like a child wandering alone
in the produce section.


And maybe that’s what I am –
just a boy, like everyone tells me.
I’ve refused to believe it for years,
shouted at patronizing naysayers,
believing instead that I’m the only
adult in a child’s world. But this
is a concrete world – an adult’s world.


I must be a child, looking for fields,
flowers, trees to climb. Looking
for the sun to bathe me instead of city water.
Looking for more than reflections


of glory.

Bell Hymn

This is an imitation poem based off of Rabbit Trance by Jarold Ramsey. You should also read that poem. It’s stellar!

Thrice in a dense December snowstorm
I heard a bell ring out in mourning
and into the frozen trees and iced leaves of my home
the stone churchyard, where uncounted sleeping
saints still sing out to the tune of the bell.
I heard the bell settle into silent
tears, quieted for only a time
of breathing, then shiver and freeze
so long the winter ceased to be
and there was no more death of which to sing.
The expansive clouds narrowed and retreated to blue,
the bell’s silence and resolve redeemed the air
and all hitherto sleep quickened in exaltation
except my voice quieted in my throat
little girl leave me be

Afternoon in Faded Green October

My feet plant themselves
in the grass growing to frame
my brother’s grave on a Sunday.
Stepping barefoot to his capstone,
I’d tripped over the roots of oaks
he and I might have climbed
had he lived to see his first spring.
A river weaves behind me,
and I know how the two of us
would have outdone Huck Finn
on that river – staying out late rafting
during those first thunderstorms of summer;
how we would have waltzed in for dinner
with scrapes and grass-stains, soaked –
but by the rain or the river Mom wouldn’t
be able to tell. I speak of this only to
the autumn air and ancient soil that separates
me from his bones.


                                    The grass of the
cemetery has just been cut, and I look
forward to the day that I’ll tell him
how fresh cut grass and Christmas trees
smell – the day when Adam and Eve’s choice
will be reversed.